Wholesale Leather Bags Italy

The world’s customers love Italian fashion products, and particularly elegant and high-quality leather handbags for ladies. The manufacturers and brands on this platform offer a specialized and varied catalogue of colorful and trendy models with a special wholesale price list.

Bags wholesale made in Italy, by local master artisans and skilled workers. Luxury high-fashion handbags, purses, clutches and tote bags in top-notch leather, organic fabrics or straw. Messenger bags, backpacks and briefcases too.

The artisan-made bags are all hand-crafted and assembled with the highest attention and precision to obtain an article close to the design (pattern). A cutting artisan prepares the leather for the bag, following the pattern drawn previously. Then the bag is stitched, trimmed and finished with accessories. Many of the bag producers also offer a Private Label or collection development service, to create an exclusive line of “Made in Italy” designer bags with your own brand name. wholesale leather bags italy

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